Darwin’s Bulldog

On June 30, 1860 a great debate took place at the Oxford University Museum. This debate helped to launch Thomas Huxley’s career as ‘Darwin’s Bulldog”. Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on...

Neanderthalis Extinctus

In the last episode we came face to face with the Neanderthal. What happened to the Neanderthal? Did they die on the battlefield or did they live out their lives in a quiet struggle for survival while modern humans settled around them? Was they killed… or...

The Neanderthal

In the Neander valley, limestone miners found something which shocked them. They had found bones which they first thought belonged to a bear. Once Professor Schaafhausen had seen the bones he recognized them for what they were. Shortly after that the Neanderthal Man...

Genetic Drift

Frog populations remained pretty much the same in Podville until the Great Fire of 2015. After the fire the population of blue frogs increased. Welcome to genetic drift, the subject of this week’s episode of ‘Evolution Talk’. Evolution Talk is also a...

Non-Overlapping Magisteria

In 1997 Professor Stephen Jay Gould published an essay in Natural History which also appeared in his book Rocks of Ages. This essay was titled ‘Non-Overlapping Magisteria’. It’s commonly referred to as NOMA. The concept behind NOMA is that science and religion operate...