If you were somehow in control of repopulating and regenerating an area that had essentially been wiped clean of life, how would you do it?  With limited resources at your disposal would you decide to throw all your effort into producing as many offspring as possible, as quickly as possible?  Or would you take a different tactic and produce a one or two offspring, protecting and nourishing them until they can take care of themselves?

Both strategies might work.  And that’s what nature had to do.  It had two strategies to chose from.  They are known as the r and K selection strategies.  

Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.Evolution Talk is also a book! You can find links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others on the front page of EvolutionTalk.com, or call your local bookstore and ask them to order a copy.

Works Cited

  • “K and r Reproductive Strategies.” Montana State University, www.cs.montana.edu/webworks/projects/stevesbook/contents/chapters/chapter002/section004/blue/page003.html. Accessed 19 Sept. 2021.

  • “K-Selected Species | Biology.” Encyclopedia Britannica, www.britannica.com/science/K-selected-species. Accessed 19 Sept. 2021.

  • “R and K Selection.” Northern Arizona University, www2.nau.edu/lrm22/lessons/r_and_k_selection/r_and_k.html. Accessed 19 Sept. 2021.

  • “R-Selected Species | Biology.” Encyclopedia Britannica, www.britannica.com/science/r-selected-species. Accessed 19 Sept. 2021.

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