Let’s enter the fascinating world of animal communication used by different species. We’ll also touch on the evolutionary aspects of these communication systems

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Works Cited

  • “Bees Are Amazing! – the Wonderful World of Bees Explored.” BuzzAboutBees.net, www.buzzaboutbees.net.
  • Cunningham, Val, and Val Cunningham. Birding: Red-winged Blackbirds Are Fierce Defenders of Territory. 12 May 2015, www.startribune.com/birding-red-winged-blackbirds-are-fierce-defenders-of-territory/303445661.
  • Dev_Elephant. “Elephant Listening Project Home.” Elephant Listening Project, www.elephantlisteningproject.org.
  • “Dolphin Memories Span at Least 20 Years.” Science Advisor, www.science.org/content/article/dolphin-memories-span-least-20-years.
  • Fitch, W. Tecumseh. “Animal Cognition and the Evolution of Human Language: Why We Cannot Focus Solely on Communication.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, vol. 375, no. 1789, Nov. 2019, p. 20190046. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2019.0046.
  • An Introduction to Animal Communication | Learn Science at Scitable. www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/an-introduction-to-animal-communication-23648715.
  • Living Links | Home. emory.edu/LIVING_LINKS/index.shtml.
  • Mstocker. “Ocean Conservation Research | Protecting Marine Life From Ocean Noise Pollution.” Ocean Conservation Research, 17 July 2024, ocr.org.
  • Ornithology, Cornell Lab Of. “All About Bird Song.” All About Bird Song, academy.allaboutbirds.org/features/birdsong/songbirds-in-action.
  • Red-winged Blackbird – Indiana Audubon. indianaaudubon.org/portfolio/red-winged-blackbird/#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20when%20the%20red,%E2%80%9D%2C%20Peek%2C%201972).
  • “Song Sparrow.” Audubon, www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/song-sparrow#:~:text=In%20most%20areas%2C%20found%20in,cover%20on%20Aleutian%20Islands%2C%20Alaska.
  • Vehrencamp, Sandra L., and Jack W. Bradbury. “Animal Communication | Types, Signals and Benefits.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 26 July 2024, www.britannica.com/science/animal-communication/Evolution-of-signals.
  • Wikipedia contributors. “Waggle Dance.” Wikipedia, 25 June 2024, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waggle_dance.
  • X, Science. “The differing olfactory worlds of female and male silk moths.” Phys.org, 17 Jan. 2024, phys.org/news/2024-01-differing-olfactory-worlds-female-male.html.

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