The Foundations of Evolutionary Psychiatry Part 1

Let’s dive deep into the fascinating world of Evolutionary Psychiatry, building on our previous exploration of Evolutionary Psychology (from 100 episodes ago!). In that episode we compared the brain to an information processing device shaped by eons of...

From A Warm Pond

Over 43 years ago, Carl Sagan asked, “How did life begin?” this question captivated minds, but its roots stretch back millennia. We’ve untangled some of the mysteries of evolution, yet life’s inception remains an enigma. We’ll explore the...

Suboptimal Design

Vestigial features and atavistic traits are all evidence of our past.  They are glimpses into a species distant past. We have nature and evolution by natural selection to thank for it. But nature’s not perfect.  It makes mistakes.   Evolution Talk is also a book! You...

About Those Fingerprints

When it comes to personal IDs, we have many.  There’s your driver’s license, passport, online username, among other human-made forms of proving who you are.  Then there are those that nature gave you that’s yours and yours alone.  Like your DNA. And then there are...

What’s Old is New Again

Attics aren’t the only places you’ll find old secrets from the past, begging to be rediscovered or let out. You have them in you as well. I’m not talking about the the type of secrets you keep to yourself and only tell close friends. I’m talking about those like the...